Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mayonaise and hair!

   "Should I put mayonaise in my hair, cover it with plastic and sit in the sun?" Would you put hair conditioner on your sandwich? Probably not, it wouldn't taste very good at any rate. From time to time we get questions about old folk remedies and home beauty treatments that were used by people before the advent of modern hair care products. There was some merit to using these household items as part of their beauty regimen. Take the basic ingredients in mayonaise, egg yolks, vegetable oil and lemon juice. Some vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, egg yolks are a good source of lecithin and colesterol and lemon juice can help to restore the hairs PH balance if you know how to use it and that is what your hair needs.
    To begin with, there is a reason why  mayonaise needs to be refrigerated. Left out in a warm environment it is a perfect breeding ground for harmfull bacteria to multiply in. So if you're going to apply it to your hair and sit out in the sun for a period of time, I hope you don't have any cuts or scratches on your scalp. You might end up with an infection.Imigane that, botulism from your beauty treatment. Try to explain that to your doctor. Besides, this practice is not nearly as effective as the modern hair care products that were developed to address the specific needs of your hair.
   So please, use your mayonaise, but use it on your sandwich. If you're having problems with your hair, ask your Stylist wich treatments and products would be best for your hair.


  1. Hmmmm the bacteria aspect of it is not something that I thought about....ewwwww!! Definitely going to leave the Mayo on my Sandwich!! Thanx for the info!!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment on my post. I was beginning to think there was nobody out there.

  2. When I worked at a shelter I think the only time I saw mayo used on hair was when we were trying to treat someone for lice that could not use the traditional lice treatment. The mayo helped to get the job done, but took several washings to get it out of their hair. So I guess, unless you have critters running around in your hair, stick to regular conditioners :-)

    1. I never knew it could be used for that. Thanks for the info,I'll look into it.

  3. You know, Canadians put mayonnaise on almost everything. I wonder if they've tried this old folklore trick as well...

    1. I wonder if they put them on Tim Horton donuts?
