Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's Saturday !!!

   It's the end of the week, our scissors have been polished, clippers oiled , the towels done, folded and put away, the last of the hair has been swept from the floor and our stations put right in anticipation of the busy week ahead. I'm the last one here as usual, the staff has hurried off to enjoy the freedom of the weekend.The soft rays of the afternoon sun bath the salon, now quiet, in its golden light and I look around one last time before locking the door and smile, remembering the week just passed. All of the fun that we had with our guests, some very familiar to us, some new to our salon. The silly jokes, a glass of wine, sharing our hopes and dreams, our triumphs and tragedies with one another while time rolls along its lonely course, relentlessly. I'm happy, thankful to be in an industry that I love, that I believe in.  How fortunate I am to be in a profession that allows me to feel that I can make a difference everyday without ever feeling that I had to work.I can't wait for the new week to arrive so that I can do it all again.
   Thank you for visiting our little sector of cyberspace. We hope that you return here often and  more importantly, if you live within distance that you will visit our salon so that we can share our visions and our talents with you.Please visit our FB page for the latest in sales, fun and frivolity. Your comments and questions are always welcome and by allowing us to share our knowledge with you, we hope to all grow together.

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