Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Am I losing my hair?

   This is a question we get all the time. Since the average human being loses between 80 and 300 hairs a day, probably not. The reason that we don't notice this is that hair is a regenerative substance. Although we are constantly losing hair, they are constantly being replaced by new ones growing from the scalp, therefore there is generally no need for concern.
    Things such as a drastic change in diet, medications, stress levels ,heredity and medical conditions can have an adverse effect on your hairs well being. Thyroid problems, diabetes and circulatory issues can cause you to lose hair, as can the medications used to treat these conditions. If you are losing your hair and you haven't had a drastic change in your diet or stress levels, we recommend that you  make an appointment with your physician to rule out any of these factors.
   To keep your hair in its ultimate condition you should be using a professional shampoo and conditioning regimen recommended by your stylist, they know your hair best. A good balanced diet and moderate excercise will help, also. Your hair grows from the inside out so, if you feed your body properly and keep it in good condition, your hair will follow suit.

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